Get to know our brands

Industrijski drobilnik Robust Reuser SD 900 z Reuser RZC 350
Oblačila Robust Enjoyer

Perform. Protect. Preserve.

Spoznajte družino Ranger

Kjer je moč narave na dosegu vaših rok. Z vrhunsko kakovostjo in izjemno zmogljivostjo je naša gozdarska oprema vaša zanesljiva partnerica v delu z lesom. Z inovativnimi rešitvami in sodobno tehnologijo gozdarska oprema omogoča hitro, varno in učinkovito obdelavo lesa, ki vam daje svobodo, da se posvetite tistemu, kar vam je najpomembnejše.

Izvedite več

React. Reduce. Recover.

Izkusite kakovost Reuser strojev

Verjamemo v moč preobrazbe. Naši industrijski drobilniki in ostala reciklažna oprema preoblikujejo odpadke tako, da podjetjem pomagajo zmanjšati, ponovno uporabiti in pridobiti dragocene vire. Sprostite potencial zavrženih materialov in se pridružite revoluciji. Odkrijte, kako lahko preoblikujete svoje trajnostne cilje.

Izvedite več
Industrijski drobilnik Robust Reuser SD 900 z Reuser RZC 350

Enrich. Empower. Enhance.

Izkusite Enjoyer stil življenja

Uživajte v tem, kar počnete. S sodobno opremo in z zabavnimi dodatki postanite del skupnosti, ki verjame v transformacijo za lepši svet. Odkrijte moč sprememb, s katerimi lahko preoblikujete prihodnost.

Izvedite več
Oblačila Robust Enjoyer


Vstopi v VR svet


We are Robust!

We are the Robust people who make the future greener. Committed, dedicated, uncompromising, we fight with our users for a more beautiful and better tomorrow. Our persistence and the rebellious spirit is pronounced, but we are calm and prudent. We radiate passion. We transform challenges into solutions.

We take sustainability seriously!

Sustainable development enables the transition to a greener way of life, while at the same time focusing on the issue of depletion of natural resources and environmental pollution. With its sustainability strategy, the Robust brand strongly advocates for the changes necessary for the decarbonization of organizations and wider society.


All or nothing. There be no road between. The value of our brand depends on how much and what uniqueness we can offer you, the users. The Robust brand products have only one goal– to turn your challenge into a solution.

The mission of our forestry equipment and recycling machinery is to exceed your expectations by achieving high productivity, optimization of operating costs and maximum safety.

Productivity #1

“More is more!” Our high development orientation is confirmed by six patent solutions that contribute to greater productivity, they maintain toughness and longer lifetime of the machine.

Low operating costs #2

“Save where the result will be visible!” By implementing state-of-the-art software and a selective choice of built-in components with above-average safety and efficiency factors, we – for our costumers – optimize operating costs and guarantee continuously multi-shift operation of forestry machines, crushers and other recycling equipment under the most demanding conditions.


“Safety first!” The safety of you or of your employees is crucial. All our products are manufactured in accordance with safety and health EU guidelines.


  • Robust won a gold medal at the Agra fair

    21. June 2023

    The Robust company received a gold medal for the SD60 ECO crusher at the Agra fair. They convinced the expert jury with the idea of sustainable operation of the machine from the point of view of operation and optimization of assembly time and costs.


    10. November 2023

    In the world of recycling machines, we have been synonymous with quality and efficiency for many years. We at LIGNA trade show in Hannover unveiled our newly established REUSER brand and our product portfolio, which includes innovative woodworking and recycling solutions that help preserve the environment and manage natural resources …


    24. October 2023

    Robust is proud to announce it was ranked among the 1% of all registered companies in Slovenia that received the AAA certificate of credit excellence. The AAA certificate is awarded to companies that meet the criteria of credit excellence in the last three business years.

  • predstavitev na sejmu ligna

    24. oktober 2023

    V svetu reciklažnih strojev smo že dolga leta sinonim za kakovost in učinkovitost. Na sejmu LIGNA v Hannovru smo razkrili svojo novo ustanovljeno blagovno znamko REUSER in svoj portfelj izdelkov, ki …

  • boniteta odličnosti

    24. October 2023

    Podjetje Robust s ponosom naznanja, da se je uvrstilo med 1 % vseh registriranih podjetij v Sloveniji, ki so prejela certifikat bonitetne odličnosti AAA. Certifikat AAA prejmejo podjetja, ki izpolnjujejo kriterije …

Technical support

Having a technical challenge? We are here solely for you. One of the key features of the Robust brand is expert technical team of consultants here to assist you. Your satisfaction is our guarantee of success.


  • AGRA 2013

  • AGRA 2014

  • AGRA 2015

  • AGRA 2016

  • AGRA 2017

  • AGRA 2018

  • AGRA 2018

  • AGRA 2018

  • AGRA 2019

  • AGRA 2019

  • AGRA 2022

  • AGRA 2023

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